Below I outline my Top 5 Strategies for Supporting Balanced, Healthy Immune Function to reduce susceptibility to infections, complications from infections, and chronic diseases of immune dysfunction like chronic infections, allergies, autoimmune disease, and cancer.
1. Get your foundation in place We can support our immune system through the challenges of cold & flu season with adequate rest (aim for 7-9 hours of sleep nightly), a balanced diet composed of nutrient dense foods (aim for 6 servings of veggies, 2 servings of fruit and 1/2 your body weight in grams of protein daily), regular movement (30 minutes daily), and good hygiene (hand washing, covering your mouth/nose when you cough and sneeze, staying at home when you're sick). We know it's difficult to meet all of these marks every day. Make it a priority like your health depends on it and simply do your best. 2. Reduce Modifiable Immune Stressors Minimize known food allergens, excessive sugar intake, food dyes, preservatives, chemical based sweeteners, highly refined foods, pesticides/insecticides/herbicides, and other toxins known to negatively impact the body- like pthalates, parabens and chemically scented fragrances and cleaning products. The Environmental Working Group's Dirty Dozen/Clean Fifteen, Skin Deep Cosmetic Database and Guide To Health Cleaning are great resources to use to minimize these immune stressors. 3. Prioritize Joy, Play, and Time in Nature Chronic mental, emotional, and spiritual stress takes a significant toll on immune function and general well being. What brings you joy? What helps you feel lighter, more connected, more supported? What fills your cup and supports your resilience to deal with life's inevitable stressors? These are habits, relationships, and actions to prioritize. Time spent in nature also supports immune function and reduction of stress. Exposure to volatile oils produced by plants can reduce blood pressure, alter autonomic nervous system activity and boost immune function. Contact with/exposure to negative ions produced by plants, trees, and the soil in higher concentrations in natural wild areas reduce stress hormone levels, oxidative stress, blood pressure, and support healthy immune function. 4. Take Vitamin D supplements fall through spring Vitamin D promotes immune balance and strength, decreases cancer risk and improves cancer outcomes, reduces risk of severe viral infections, improves bone health and osteoporosis risk, and reduces rates of depression. Vitamin D supplementation is almost always necessary fall through spring to keep levels in optimal range. Because the sun is lower in the sky and days are shorter, we don't get the angle or duration of sun exposure to keep Vitamin D levels optimal in the darker months of the year. 5. Call on the More-Than-Human world as needed I know that taking care of ourselves and our families when we’re sick can be a challenge with all the responsibilities of life that don’t stop. While rest is the number one thing to prioritize whenever possible to support our bodies when down for the count, the addition of a tincture or tea formulation can make the difference between an awful, lingering upper respiratory infection that potentially takes deeper root requiring antibiotic or pharmaceutical management, and one that passes more quickly and painlessly without the need for more potentially harmful interventions. Plus, it is empowering and connecting to have more-than-human friends on hand that have been supporting us humans for centuries to graciously assist where they can. We here at Wild River Wellness have been busy perfecting our time-tested immune support blends, taste testing and diving into label design. We have been working with the plants and fungi in these formulas for 15+ years and are so stoked to announce that our Immune Daily Protect and Immune Rapid Defense tinctures are now available for purchase to the public! If you are a client and these blends have supported you over the years- please share the love with your loved ones at the link below! Daily Protect was formulated for daily prevention and recovery support and Rapid Defense for acute support at the first sign of, and through, infection. All of the herbs and fungi in our blends are sustainably wild-harvested or grown lovingly, sustainably, and without the use of harmful toxin-based pesticides and fertilizers that ultimately deplete soil health. We formulate using populations of plants and fungi that are healthy and not at risk of over-harvesting and habitat decline first and foremost. If an at-risk plant is included in a blend- a sustainable source is used to ensure the health of those plant communities for generations to come. We’ll also make note of it so you know to look out for this plant and be conscientious about sourcing. The only sustainably sourced, at-risk plant included in our immune blends, according to the United Plant Savers' current list is Oregon Grape root. Clients- you can purchase our custom blended tinctures through the usual channels- directly with Colleen in ChARM or with Jessica by phone at 704-504-7901 ext 1. Clients-to-be and folks who aren't current clients of ours- you can purchase these blends in our Online Apothecary here. And do remember to please seek expert medical advice from your current care provider before taking herbs/fungi/supplement blends if pregnant or nursing, if you have a chronic medical condition, or take daily prescription medication. Thank you for reading and for supporting one of our missions at Wild River Wellness: to foster good human health through respectful, safe, right relationship and re-connection with the more than human, Living World.
AuthorDr. Mottola has a passion for service, social justice, anti-racism, health education and environmental stewardship and is on a mission to provide effective, empowering, accessible natural health education and care to the most diverse population possible. She believes that accessible healthcare is a basic human right that stands as a pillar of a healthy society and that the health of a society is reflected in the health of its people. She is passionate about placing health care back in the hands of the people. Archives
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